About Us
Our mission is to provide effective tools, resources, and support for parents, teachers, and students through dyslexia awareness training, assessments, evidence-based solutions, and collaboration with community partners to achieve success for dyslexic students.
Create dyslexia awareness​ in the community
We provide dyslexia seminars and teacher/parent training on the signs and symptoms, myths, what works, and classroom and homework accommodations.​​
Identify and screen for dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and ADHD
A professional screener will identify and screen for dyslexia using 10 to 12 tests to investigate every area that might be impacted by dyslexia.
Provide research and scientifically based interventions
We use effective, research-based reading instruction with the Barton Reading and Spelling Program - It is a multisensory, systematic, sequential, and explicit program where reading and spelling are taught together. ​​
Partnering with the local community of Greeley and Northern Colorado
We partner with other community organizations whose desire is to see dyslexic students achieve the success they deserve.
Our Mission

Welcome! My Name is Sue Bridgman and I founded Bridging the Gaps Dyslexia Center in Greeley, CO in 2018. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
We have 29 qualified dyslexia interventionists in the United States and Canada. We service our local community of Northern Colorado, nationally and internationally.
Please feel free to text me anytime at (970-405-4957)
or email at: